Sermon video is available here.
Question & Answer- Peter, Paul, elders, Old Testament saints Christians
Ken Chapman
02/22/15 Sermon
Changing Definitions
Ken Chapman
02/08/15 Sermon
Proven by Tests
Ken Chapman
02/08/15 Sermon
People of Conviction
Ken Chapman
02/01/15 Sermon
Unacceptable Worship
Ken Chapman
01/25/15 Sermon
Question & Answer
Ken Chapman
01/25/15 Sermon
Blessed In What He Does
Ken Chapman
01/18/15 Sermon
As To A Living Stone
Ken Chapman
01/18/15 Sermon
Sweet Will of God
Ken Chapman
01/11/15 Sermon
Dealing with Anger
Ken Chapman
01/11/15 Sermon
Relationships in the Church
Ken Chapman
01/04/15 Sermon
The Focus of Our Faith
Ken Chapman
12/28/14 Sermon
Life With No King
Ken Chapman
12/28/14 Sermon
Teachers of Good
Ken Chapman
12/21/14 Sermon
Dealing with Disappointment
Ed Brand
12/21/14 Sermon
Care and Share
Ken Chapman
12/14/14 Sermon
Let Us Run with Endurance
Ken Chapman
12/14/14 Sermon
As Children
Ken Chapman
12/07/14 Sermon
Noah's Salvation
Ken Chapman
11/30/14 Sermon
Riches of God's Grace
Ken Chapman
11/30/14 Sermon
Where Are The Nine?
Ken Chapman
11/23/14 Sermon
Question & Answer- Elders, Pray, Anoint Oil. Sickness, Israel, Palestine
Ken Chapman
11/23/14 Sermon
Divine Marriage Counseling, part 1
Ken Chapman
11/16/14 Sermon
Divine Marriage Counseling, part 2
Ken Chapman
11/16/14 Sermon
Lessons from the Prodigal Son
Joel McCord
11/09/14 Sermon